CONTENTS PAGE PREFACE ......... v PART I ESSAYS I. ON CERTAIN BURIAL CUSTOMS AS ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE PRIMITIVE THEORY OF THE SOUL 3 II. THE PRYTANEUM, THE TEMPLE OF VESTA, THE VESTALS,' PERPETUAL FIRES.....51 NOTE ON THE EARLY ITALIAN HUTS . , . 76 III. TABOO........80 IV. THE LANGUAGE OF ANIMALS , . . • 93 V. SOME POPULAR SUPERSTITIONS OF THE ANCIENTS . 128 VI. A FOLK-LORE MEDLEY.....151 1. Arcs in the Brazen Pot , , . . .151 2. Bo'uXuros, the Loosing of the Ox . » . 153 3. Coins attached to the Face . . . , 155 4. Hide-measured Lands.....156 5. The Bedstead of the Flamen Dialis . . .158 6. Omens from Sneezing.....159 7. Swallows in the House.....159 8. The Youth of Achilles.....165 9. The Leafy Bust at Nemi . . , .169 10. Folk-lore at Balquhidder . . . * 172 n. Notes on Harvest Customs * , , .175 12. Easter in Greece...... 181 VII, A SUGGESTION AS TO THE ORIGIN OF GENDER IN LANGUAGE......183 VIIL ON,SOME CEREMONIES OF THE CENTRAL AUSTRALIAN TRIBES.......198 IX, THE CURSING OF VENIZELOS . . . .205 ix